Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mild Day

I hate February. So much in fact that I think I will refer to today as January 32nd. To make the month a little more tolerable I decided to start blogging. I will try not to make it a "Dear Diary" feel (lord knows people are too quick to share every single emotion they feel 24/7 these days) because I would like to actually have some readers. Instead, I would just like to share little things that happen in the day to day grind. A new friend of mine has made it her mission to blog 366 days this year. Even though I'm not as good of a writer as she is, I find her short stories and fun pictures very entertaining. 

One of my husbands Christmas presents this year was a new shop-vac. Isn't it funny how as we get older, our excitement over certain presents change? Forget the new clothes and latest gadgets. Give me a shop-vac and some new dishes! Since today was 60 degrees (yes it is the middle of winter) I decided to finish cleaning the Ford Escape. Willa, as I like to call her, will be going to a new home soon. She has served her purpose for me, and will now move on to a new life transporting kids to and from school and sporting events. She will love it, but I'm going to miss her. 

That really is it. I want to keep this short so you will read the whole thing. Pardon my poor punctuation and grammar. Like I mentioned earlier, I'm not a writer. Goodnight and see you on January 33rd.


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets attached to vehicles and names them! :)

  2. Willa the Ford was a good car! :)
